Thursday, 28 September 2017

Down The Docks The Talking Turned...

...'As some are striving to survive, the others thrive'

I posted this song last year and once before that as well but sitting watching one of the Top Of The Pops reruns last week I was struck  (again) by the brilliance and magic, the faith and devotion of Pete Wylie's Mighty Wah! in the mid 80s. Come Back sounds like a love song but the verses read as a clarion call, a stand against Thatcher and forces of greed, a call for community and to stand together, a shout to those forced out by economic forces beyond their control to return to the city and to their roots. That reads as much for 2017 as it did for 1984. Pete said on Twitter recently that he wrote and played every instrument of Come Back except for the backing vocal by partner Josie Jones. In the TOTP clip Josie looks amazing, hands on hips, alongside Pete in his leather trousers and blow dried hairdo.

Sadly Josie, a big figure on the Liverpool art and music scene, died in 2015. She had also been the voice of Big hard Excellent Fish's Imperfect List, which I've also posted before here and in its updated form here.

Come Back (The Return Of The Randy Scouse Git)

How good is that? How could you ever get tired of hearing that? 'It's all up to you, yes it's all up to you!'


  1. Terrific song, one of many. Pete was due to play locally last year, but unfortunately the tour was called off.

  2. Great song. He threw the kitchen sink at that mix.

  3. Great tune. Saw him last year in Glasgow and he was absolutely brilliant. Part time pop star full time legend indeed.

  4. Ah yes - don't they both look amazing!

  5. You can post this one as often as you want. Never gets old.

  6. "How good is that? How could you ever get tired of hearing that?"
    1. very very good indeed
    2. No.

  7. His best track and it's one I never tire of.
