Sunday 24 January 2010

JBC 'We Love You (The Great Awakening)'

By 1991 Creation Records had caught the dance music bug and released a cracking compilation called 'Keeping The Faith'. It rounded up various Creation dance acts, rock acts gone dance, rock acts remixed by dance acts and was all quite nepotistic. It was a well loved album in these parts, not least because it featured Weatherall's jaw-dropping remix of Soon by My Bloody Valentine, but also Philly by Fluke, Primal Scream's Come Together remixed by Hypnotone, the Terry Farley remix of Loaded using the original Bobby Gillespie vocal, and tracks by Love Corporation, Sheer Taft and World Unite, all of which soundtracked the times perfectly. Listening to many of these tracks today still puts a massive smile on my face, even if some havn't dated that well. The track featured here is JBC (Creation stalwart The Jazz Butcher) covering a hoary old Rolling Stones sneer-fest We Love You, including that great 'dj's the man you love the most' sample. And in those days he certainly was.

We Love You (The Great Awakening).mp3

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