Thursday 28 January 2010

Ten City 'That's The Way Love Is'

I have been known to play records at peoples' parties. This started about 10 years ago, when people started having 30th birthdays and getting married. I had, and have, no beat mixing skills, and only began doing it because I had a decent sized record collection, and a modicum of taste. Some have been brilliant, some pretty good, and the odd one have been disasters. One time at a wedding I got harangued and berrated by a bus-load from Merseyside who either wanted 'white-labels' or records played while they stood in a circle and a couple of blokes would do 'funny' dancing in the middle. That was the last time I did a wedding for friends of friends. A few years back a friend had a birthday in a room above a pub in the centre of Manchester. The crowd were 30ish, through to mid-to-late 40s. Late on I played MARRS Pump Up The Volume, and the dancefloor (y'know the sort, wooden square clipped together with carpet on all four sides) filled with Manchester Mums and Dads, out for the party, a few beers, and the house music of their youth. I managed to keep it going in this vein for as long as I could. Eventually, I either ran out of house records or we ran out of time. The ex-clubbing crowd finished their drinks, put their coats on and went home to relieve the babysitter (insert your own joke about relieving the babysitter here). And it sort of said something about a generation of people who are too old to go clubbing, or it's too inconvenient to go clubbing, or they can't stay awake past one a.m., or they wouldn't know where to go these days. I include myself in all of those categories. But house music will get them up on the floor in a room above a pub for an hour or so. Hallelujah.

That's The Way Love Is [Underground Mix - Edited Version].mp3


  1. I am one of those people too! Used to love that Ten City record.

  2. Welcome aboard my middle aged disco. I might start a monthly night.

  3. I absolutely loved this record and had it pegged in for a Friday in a few weeks time. Time to pick another
