Thursday 6 May 2010

The High 'Box Set Go'

Something reminded me of this song recently, can't remember what, but I listened to it again and enjoyed it. The Manchester scene (I hate the Madchester word, and baggy's even worse) was good fun and felt pretty exciting at the time, even if the records havn't added up to much in the long term. Aside from the obvious (Roses and Mondays), most of the bands managed a couple of good songs but couldn't sustain it. Don't know if Northside count in that or not. On the plus side it was surely the last time British bands were inspired equally by white guitar music and black dance music, and used those influences to came up with something else. They were forward looking generally, not totally retro and revivalist (like Britpop, and the post-Strokes bands).

This band featured Andy Couzens (elbowed out of The Roses), and produced some sparkling guitar pop- this song, also Up And Down, Take Your Time, and a pretty good debut album. Box Set Go was also one of the last Martin Hannett production jobs before his death. After the album they lost their way. The singer John Matthews suffered a drug induced breakdown, and the lovely follow up single (More...) got them into trouble for chart rigging. This is all from memory, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. London Records dropped them in 1993 after a disastrous second album. This, though, still sounds good.


1 comment:

  1. I liked the High, especially Up & Down. More was a belter and could have been a hit without the attempted chart rigging in my view.

    Britpop left me cold, far to parochial
