Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Stone Roses versus Lily Allen 'Water Lily'

Recent posts here at Bagging Area on both Lily Allen (with Mick Jones) and The Stone Roses reminded me of this- a mash-up of The Roses' Waterfall and Lily's LDN. Loads of bloggers seem to trail mash-ups with 'I don't like many of these new-fangled mash-ups, but this one's good...' , and I'm not going to stray far from that. This was done by a DJ from Blackburn called Sam Flanagan and works pretty well, depending on how much you like either or both of the mashees involved. I think it's good although I'm sure some Roses fans will see it as sacrilege, but then many of them have stood through Ian Brown mangling Roses songs at gigs, so what do they know?

water lily.mp3


  1. You might have used the same pick of Lily as last time , that one in the blue...I still scroll back to it every now and again.

  2. Good mash-up. Sam's stuff usually is.

  3. What was it about that picture that you liked ANCB?

  4. You need to ask?
