Tuesday 8 June 2010

Blog Rocking Beats

If you're in the West Scotland and Glasgow area on Saturday night (12th June) you should get down toThe Flying Duck and get down. Drew, who runs the excellent Across The Kitchen Table blog, has turned his hand to promoting- hence the first night of Blog Rocking Beats, with vinyl (I'm glad to say) being spun for unwitting punters. It's billed as 'the folks behind some of Scotland's best music blogs', and features dj-ing/record playing from the names you can see on the poster above, with a wide ranging and eclectic music policy. Free entry before eleven pm. What have you got to lose?

The Bagging Area Sound System was invited to trundle up the M6 with a box of records to join in putting 45s on at 33 and vice versa. I have family committments this weekend, but if it goes well and the invite is still there I'm hoping to make Saturday 10th of July. A date for your diaries there then.

Finally, award yourself a trainspotter point if you can work out the connection between the night and this track- 23 Skidoo's Coup. Easy-ish one I should think. No prizes though, it's just for fun.



  1. Pity there is NO prize LOL!

  2. Unfortunately, I will be on holiday fo the July one SA but you are still welcome to come up and give JC a helping hand.

    Don't know about the promoting just a bit of fun really.

    Thanks for the plug

  3. good stuff. you guys could do a tour
