Sunday 21 November 2010

Really Stupid

Since posting The Primitives' Crash a few days ago I've been overdosing on their blonde powered c86 indie pop, buzz saw guitars, PJ Court's cool playing, hair and threads (far right in picture), and the wonderful Tracy Tracy (second right. Obviously). There was a point, 87-88, where we all wanted to look like PJ and go out with a girl who looked like Tracy. Not that it happened. My current favourite is the perfect 60's inspired pop of Way Behind Me, especially the lipsynch version on Wogan that's on Youtube. You'll have to go and look for it, I can't be arsed embedding it. This is Really Stupid, their debut single released on Lazy Records, sounding like it was recorded in a shed and all the better for it.
For the record, I do not own the signed photo above.

02 Really Stupid.wma


  1. Saw them recently in Stereo and they were great. Almost every track was under 3 minutes and they were clearly enjoying themselves on stage pulling out non stop crowd pleasers. Probably the best gig I have seen in 2010. Just an evening of pure, unadulterated nostalgia.

  2. I only realised recently they'd reformed. Saw some pics and reciews online- looked like the last 20 odd years hadn't really affected them- in a good way.

  3. Hmmm ... wasn't 'Thru The Flowers' before 'Really Stupid' ... ? I'm pretty sure it was ...

  4. I could be wrong. It's happened before

  5. They did Way Behind Me? I had that on a tape many years ago and never knew who it was by. Immediately after it was a song that went "I'm falling down again, I'm upside down again..." and I don't know who that was by either.

  6. Is that PJ of PJ and Duncan fame???

  7. Yep, of the Byker Grove Primitives, a little known geordie teen indie band, now causing distress to dieticians in the jungle.

  8. Tom - A bit late but that second track is The Primitives as well, All The Way Down I think, and probably the next track on the ep.

  9. Thanks Artog- sorry Tom, I'd forgotten about your comment.

  10. Dude, I'd forgotten I left it. Thanks a lot, I'll track that down, now all I need is the Darling Buds' Shame On You Slightlydelic Mix that was on the same tape...
