Friday 25 March 2011

The Return Of Friday Night Is Rockabilly Night 11

A friend said to me a week or two ago that he didn't know how I could still find something to say about rockabilly songs each Friday, forty odd posts in. I'm not sure I can. This is Rick and The Fairlanes with a slightly crazed rocking instrumental called Danger. Friday evening, unseasonably warm, sun shining. Pub, anyone? Danger.mp3


  1. Mine's a G&T thanks SA, tall glass loads of ice.

    There's always something to say about a cracking bit of music.

  2. Wouldn't ordinarily listen to rockabilly but really enjoy these posts when I'm after something a bit different from the usual indie,techno and house that I usually while away the hours with.

  3. That's what it's here for Stevoid.
