Friday 20 May 2011

Didn't Like Jazz, Didn't Like Funk...

A great lost song here for you- from the end days of Big Audio Dynamite and their final album, called F-Punk, this is I Turned Out A Punk. Some wheezy garage organ, crashing punk rock riff, shambolic drumming and Mick's tale of how he turned out a punk.

'Mummy was a hostess, daddy was a drunk
Cos they didn't love me then, I turned out a punk
An ex-house full of memories, memories and junk
Never had a childhood, I turned out a punk
Then I learned to play guitar, with a plink and a plunk
I didn't like jazz, I didn't like funk
I turned out a punk'

Nothing clever or sophisticated here, just a cracking garage punk song.

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