Friday 17 June 2011

Meet Iggy Pop And David Bowie

A hat-trick of German related posts, and a train related one too. In 2004 Kraftwerk toured. We saw them at The Apollo and it was stunning, not least the films that played with each song, the light up ties and the robots. This song is one of their best, Trans Europe Express, from the Maximum-Minimum live album that came out the year after the tour. A Kraftwerk live album seems a bit like a contradiction in terms doesn't it? This song was recorded at the romantic sounding Budapest Sportarena.


  1. Check out the Senor Coconut version - well worth a honk

  2. Heard it. It's good but I find the joke wears a bit thin after a while.

  3. My hopes of making a date on this tour were dashed when my mate's tickets failed to arrive. I wanted to see them very much : (

  4. if you ever get the chance belting out maximum-minimum in the car while doing the tunnel drive around lake Garda is a thing to amember. know sounds very 'becuase you demaaand performance' but i swear to jaysus, i nearly pissed meself doing. the concert when they did dublin was amazing. you weren't at it adam. we met a manc dude there who had been following them around europe

  5. Not me anto- like the sound of the Lake Garda drive.
