Friday 19 August 2011

Watch Him Dance

Roots Manuva is back with a new album. This is a freebie in advance of it- Watch Me Dance. It's a real summer groover, dark and funky. I love it. You can't knock a man who rhymes Boulogne with groin. Written with Sheffield's Toddla T a version of it appears on Toddla's album too, which is worth looking out for. The killer is the Weatherall remix which I pointed you towards on Soundcloud a few weeks ago and which you should have ordered from Ninja Tune already.


  1. Unfortunately, the Toddla T twelve was one of the many records to have been turned into a gigantic ash tray in the Sony warehouse fire and Ninja have no plans to produce it again. So all that will be available is the MP3.

    Ninja refunded me the whole price of the 122 even though they had already sent me the download link, which was above and beyond, so I bought a few things on download which i'm loathed to do under normal circumstances, however these aren't normai times.

  2. I was wondering why my copy hasn't turned up.
