Sunday 25 September 2011

I Save Coupons For Packets Of Tea

Drew sent me this, a valuable addition to the Clash cover versions series that's been dominating this blog for the last week or so- Greg Dulli's Afghan Whigs covering Lost In The Supermarket. This song is a real gem in The Clash's back catalogue, written by Joe and sung by Mick, after Joe got severely disorientated in The International, 471-473 Kings Road, beneath the World's End Estate. Not there now I suspect. Or it's a Waitrose. Some day I'm going to go to London and spend a day doing a Clash walking tour of these places. The Afghan Whigs turn in a pretty good cover here and I like it, well worth your time and attention. I have friends in Leicester who often drive the length and breadth of the country to see Greg Dulli or The Afghan Whigs- although H, who is one of the Leicester lot says he wouldn't walk to the bottom of his road to watch them.

Two picture related points- firstly, yes, I was very pleased to find a photo of The Clash in the supermarket. Sad I know. And B), he likes a fag does Greg Dulli. Do a google image search and see if you can find one where he isn't smoking.


  1. Seen Dulli quite a few times with the Twilight Singers and The Gutter Twins, well worth seeing SA, the man has soul. I have been trying to turn people onto him for years but most aren't interested. Check out Mr Superlove or Max's fav Teenage Wristband which I think that I should be concerned that a 7 year old knows all the words to but I'm actually proud he does rather than something by the latest x-factor wannabee or does this make me a bad parent?

  2. No. Not at all. I caught E singing Only love can break your heart the other day, which seemed a bit emotionally ahead for her age. I like some of the Twilight Singers stuff.

  3. I saw The Twilight Singers here a few years back and yes Dulli was smoking on stage, smoking ban be damned...

  4. I've been meaning to tell you, I looked on Google Earth - it's a Somerfield now, which I think is pretty much the 2011 version of an International.
