Saturday 14 January 2012

Swiss Guards

I'm not really Swiss. Let me explain.

A couple of friends in the real world have asked me recently why I haven't done this post and my only answer is 'it's not why I started Bagging Area', followed by 'just not got round to it really'. Maybe there's a bit more to it than that so here we go. This post does make me a little nervous.

I'm not really Swiss. Since 1997 or '98 I've sporadically made music as part of a band called Swiss Guards. Given that we've been going for fourteen or fifteen years there hasn't been more than a couple of months of action in total, partly due to geographical distances, and partly lack of time, family, work, real life. In that time we've released two albums, got a third one almost done and played four gigs. One of which was two songs at a band member's wedding. The first album (Once the Process) came out on actual compact disc, with a barcode and everything, on a small record label called Captive, based in Leicester. Mainly me and my compadre H, it's homemade and a bit of a hotch potch. The second album (One Thing After Another) was better recorded, with other musicians (Dan, Andy, Alan), had more fully realised songs but was only released digitally. Our total sales are probably somewhere near three figures. We did sell downloads to individuals on both coasts of the US though, so I think that counts as 'cracking the States'. The story of Swiss Guards is possibly another blog entirely- as in a totally different blogsite- so I won't bore you with it here. I'd be happy to give all the songs away for free via the internet. You can go to Bandcamp here if you like. In fact at a gig a couple of years back I realised you can't even give it away for free, when someone responded to my 'do you want cd of our album for free?' with 'no, not really ta.' 'Go on, it's free'. 'No'.

Two currently unreleased songs for you to download. Feel free to be polite, rude, constructively critical, or to just ignore the whole post and hope normal service is resumed soon. For the record, I do the vocals (and some guitar, though anything you can hear on the songs and is any good is definitely H). Excitingly, these may not even be the finished versions of these songs- real Swiss Guards rarities for you.

This one has guitars.

Melancholic Streak

This one is more electronic.

Heart Beating


  1. Well SA, Fancy That! No need for any nerves, even at first play, these tracks are wonderfully appealing. Owing to the hypnotic feel, just wondering how they would sound with a breathier, less 'solid' vocal? Are we to look forward to more?

  2. Looking forward to listening to the Deuces Wild track from yesterday. Intrigued by today's post. Not that this is relevant, but if you have a spare £25 you could do a lot worse than spend in the utterly fantastic FAME studio story, from ACE records.

  3. good stuff SA. the kids have being bopping to the electronic one.

  4. are you not really Swiss? OUTED!

  5. btw both new order and firehose have reformed. your a firehose man aren't you SA?

  6. Yeah, I've got some firehose, haven't played it for ages.

  7. Adam, thanks for posting this. I like these songs, particularly Heartbeating, which I think is awesome - it's got a really nice subtle emotional quality to it and a nice beat as well.

    Which came first, the track titled "Bagging Area" or the blog?

    Anyway, it's really cool stuff, particularly the "more electronic" track. Would enjoy hearing more.

  8. very nice mate, I'm digging these songs

  9. Song title came first, then blogname. Thanks for the kind words.

  10. Well, SA, believe it or not, but I really like both tunes, I prefer the one w/ guitars though. Great stuff throughout and neither of the two should be featured on 'This Blog Continues To Decline'. 'Mel. Streak' even sounds a bit like The Sacred Cowboys, if anyone remembers them ...

  11. Ta Dirk.
    Lila- not sure I can do a 'breathier, less solid' vocal. It's a fairly limited instrument my voice.
