Wednesday 1 February 2012

And Thoughts Of You Will Stay With Me

Before cds and re-issue culture 'great lost albums' were just lost. Dexys Midnight Runners' 1985 album Don't Stand Me Down was one of them, partly due to Kevin Rowlands bewildering insistence on changing everything about the band after each album. For Don't Stand Me Down the band left behind the raggle-taggle gypsy, hit making folk-pop of Too-Ray-Ay and adopted preppy suits, slicked back hair and an album without any singles and several long spoken word tracks. It cost a massive amount of money and according to the saxophonist making it was 'uncomfortable and unnatural'. As a 'great lost album' it is naturally a neglected masterpiece and has been re-issued at least twice, once by Creation. Which led to Kevin Rowlands solo album. But that's another story. This song is a neglected masterpiece, re-named for the re-issue. It swings.

I Love You (Listen To This) ne Listen To This


  1. Now don't think I didn't spot it, it all sounded the same!

  2. Actually, now you've mentioned it, that was the song that I should have posted.

  3. I had lunch with Kevin Rowland before Christmas - we ended up sharing a table at a caff we both drop in to ~(Pellici's Bethnal Green). He's a thoroughly decent chap. Still an eccentric dresser - but a gent..

  4. I will keep pointing people at this but it's the thing I've done that I'm most proud of whilst blogging. I love Don't Stand Me Down.

  5. Standard setting post that Simon.
