Saturday 17 March 2012

I Stand Up Next To A Mountain

I heard this on the telly the other day and was struck by it's brilliance. Then I realised how long it was since I listened to any Jimi Hendrix other than inadvertently. I had a big Hendrix phase about, ooh, twenty three years ago. He was all the rage among the 60s heads in the late 80s, although now I suspect now he's just another dead rock star. I never ventured far beyond the records done by The Jimi Hendrix Experience, and then mainly just the first two albums (Are You Experienced? and Axis: Bold as Love and a compilation of singles and B-sides called Smash Hits) and to be fair Electric Lady land was never my favourite but this song is a stunner. I think it's because of the wah-wah.

Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)


  1. I went through a big Hendrix phase in my early teens when I was hanging out with the older hippy types. I always found the studio stuff a bit tame and always tended towards the live albums, The Jimi Hendrix Concerts was the first album I bought from an HMV in Birmingham when it first came out which contains an absolutely beautiful version of Elmore James' Bleeding Heart.

    it was only when I got older did I really appreciate the studio albums, the Band of Gypsies album is worth checking out.

  2. ....and Charlie Feathers yesterday was just excellent. Electric Ladyland is well worth listening to, it really is very good. You're dead right with the first two plus Smash hits, but the rest....the odd brilliance here and there but pretty poor. And AVOID the Isle of Wight offering, it is truly dreadful - my 1st Hendrix purchase 25 years ago from Forbes record shop in Dundee.

  3. Always been put off buying any Hendrix live albums and not about to change that now.

  4. Then you are missing out big time SA. There are some great live albums out there but you have to tread with caution. Live at Monterey is a good start, the afore mentioned Concerts or the Live At The Albert Hall for an outstanding interpretation of Sunshine Of Your Love

  5. Seems we all went through a big Jimi phase at one point or another. I love the clip from the Lulu show (my first introduction)

    (Sorry for the spam)
