Thursday 22 March 2012

Weddings, Parties, Anything...

Like a lot of people (I'm guessing) The Clash were my gateway into reggae. Them and Bob Marley. Everyone had Legend and the Marley live album. Investigating the reggae songs The Clash covered took a bit more digging, certainly before cds were commonplace and cheap. Revolution Rock is tucked away on side four of London Calling, a song where Joe Strummer urges the crowd to 'smash up their seats and dance to the brand new beat'. It's a classic Clash trash reggae moment, as is the fade out with Joe muttering about El Clash combo and their availability for playing gatherings. The original was recorded by Danny Ray and The Revolutioneers, co-written by Danny and Jackie Edwards, and released sometime in the mid-to-late 70s (the internet has different dates, '76 and '78 in different places). This is a wonderful reggae track and Danny Ray doesn't encourage seat smashing either.

Revolution Rock

Revolution Rock via 4 Shared.

Edit; I've exceeded my monthly bandwidth at Boxnet. Not my fault, it's you lot with your overactive clicking fingers. I guess if we all wait a few days my monthly limit will be reset and everything will be OK. In the meantime, 4 shared.


  1. Splendidness! But 'The user hosting this content is out of bandwidth'...!

  2. Bugger. Out of bandwidth. Nothing I can do about this at work.
