Wednesday 14 March 2012

X Rated 1950s Doo Wop Day

For no particular reason I offer you this 50s curio with a semi-interesting back story. In 1953 Joe Davis, owner of Jay Dee Records, persuaded r 'n' b doo wop group Blenders to record an alternative version of their new song Don't Play Around With Love. Davis' intention was to give local disc jockeys an under-the-counter, speciality item and create a bit of interest in the group. Twenty years later Davis issued the single in its own right in slightly more permissive times. Lux and Ivy were big fans apparently. On top of that one of the band went by the nickname Shaggs, as evident in the picture. Good record.

Don't Fuck Around With Love


  1. Rather an unhappily chosen photograph of the boys, I would think ... on it to me they look like a gang of - what we call it over here - "ass bandits". The way good ole' Shaggs grins he seems to be enjoying the whole thing enormously though!

  2. Just got the Django Django album and it's not bad at all. I've no idea what Hot Chip sound like, by the way.
