Sunday, 22 April 2012

Guess I'm Dumb

There's something going on with blogger at the moment, things don't work properly- the post scheduling function isn't working, and the line breaks don't break, hence the song link is right next to the end of the last sentence and looks messy; and they've redesigned the dashboard. Unless it's my gas powered computer. Or me. Glen Campbell, immaculate of dress and coiffeur, played and sang this Brian Wilson song in 1965. You'll love it. Sunday morning music.

Guess I'm Dumb


  1. Mine's is all fucked up as well

  2. good song, cheers.

  3. Glad it's not just me. A David Byrne post which disappeared last May suddenly reappeared as well.

  4. mines all over the place too...great song, been after this for a while

  5. Dreamy.
    Like having honeyed yoghurt spatchulared across my forehead by Juliette Binoche.

  6. Happened to me that just the other night. Very nice.
