Saturday 26 May 2012

Wilmot And Sunshine

There's something about this weather that makes me want to play Sabres Of Paradise 1994 single Wilmot. From its Gun Club styled sleeve to Wonder's scat vocal to the seriously dubby bassline to those wondrous snaking horns. Back in 1994 we returned home late, in a suitably altered state, and turned on the tiny black and white portable TV. Within minutes the video for Wilmot came on (it was some late night, after hours clubbing programme) with Lord Sabre, combat pants and creepers, leading a ragtag bunch of majorettes through the streets of London at dawn. It was very good then, and it is very good now. And, I suspect, the only music video Andrew Weatherall has starred in.

I'm not sure Wilmot was crying out for remixing (though Scruff's skank version is a belter, obviously) but here's Red Snapper's version, which came out on a Warp Records compilation.

Wilmot (Red Snapper Remix)


  1. i think that Wilmot has got to be my favorite Sabres track.

  2. I remember seeing it on some video review and Michelle Gayle's comment was "I'm scared"

  3. Scaring Michelle Gayle- naughty Weatherall.
