Friday 22 June 2012

The Return Of Friday Night Is Rockabilly Night 64

Released in 1958 Ronnie Self's Date Bait showcases some crazed vocals from Mr Self and some equally excited backing vocals. Ronnie goes on to list some of the features of date bait-

'Ooh, a -looky there, swivel hips
A-looky there, sweet red lips
Yeah date bait, date bait
A-looky there, oh foxy walk
A-looky there, a sugar sweet talk'.

It's a kind of poetry.

Date Bait


  1. Is anybody else having a problem with previewing from boxnet today?

    Have a good weekend SA. Is this not the kind of weather you like to go camping in?

  2. Ha. Just right for a night under canvas. Off to Beverley tomorrow for a 40th. In a hotel.

    Glad you like the tune- its a bit special.
