Tuesday 24 July 2012


We're off to France next Thursday (August 2nd), driving down to Dover and then hitting the Autoroute westwards to Brittany. Breton shirts all round. So here's some French pop from Brigitte Bardot (and as Davy proved last week, having a Bardot post is never a bad idea). This song is taken from David Holmes's essential Essential Mix from 1998 so may finish abruptly. Somewhat bizarrely when I inserted the cd into the pc, the computer thought the disc was Lost Soul by Doves. I renamed it but it might still claim to be Doves when you d/l it. It isn't. It's Bardot. Salut!



  1. Wish we were off to France this year. Next week we will be in Machrahanish, the bloody weather up here better improve.

    Enjoy and drink some Grand Cru for me.

  2. Sorry to be tardy, I meant to ask - where in Bretagne?

  3. Near Quimper. Arzano I think its called.

  4. 'Connais pas but thought I'd ask since I spent many a beautiful summer further down in Saint Gildas De Rhuys near the Gulf Of Morbihan as a teen with me pen pal. Lovely part of France, wish you bonnes vacances.

  5. Looking forward to Carnac. Love a few standing stones.
