Friday 28 December 2012

Another Party

Two days recovery and we're off to another party- my side of the family all getting together for a Christmas bash. I'm the oldest of eight. Seven of us have partners and we have eight children, aged from 16 to 6 months, between us. Plus both my parents and a ninety-two year old Grandmother. Then factor in afternoon/all day drinking and the habit some of us have of espousing differing opinions on various matters (politics, religion, music, the price of fish...) and you have the recipe for a perfect family Christmas do.

I Got Love If You Want It


  1. Of eight! That's amazing. One of my mates has got five siblings, but other than that everyone I know gets by with one brother. Do you all get each other presents?

  2. Hope it all goes well SA. That's quite a gathering.


  3. Sounds like a recipe for chaos to me. Enjoy. Got a day in the house building the last of the Lego and am going to make up the ultimate northern soul compilation

  4. A get-together that sounds like what would have appened had the Cuban Missile Crisis kicked off proper.
