Thursday 28 February 2013

Bowie Knife

The return of David Bowie then.

I liked the first one, Where Are We Now? with it's slow groove and reflectiveness, dropped totally unexpectedly on the world a while back and I like this one too. There's enough going on in the video and the lyrics to keep the spotters busy for months. I'll be honest though- I don't own a single record or cd he's made since Let's Dance. I'd definitely got little to no interest in the late 90s and early 2000s for the lps he made. I did like his Buddha Of Suburbia soundtrack but never got around to buying it. But I am cheered by this comeback- if only because it's good to have someone of his generation making an album that feels like it matters, because he wants to, he's got something to say and something he wants to do. And in a year of (so far) some Bagging Area big hitters (The Asphodells, My Bloody Valentine, Johnny Marr, who have all occupied my ears for some time now) I'm looking forward to the album (even if the sleeve is very post-modern shite).


  1. really enjoyed this video, always thought Tilda swinton has a touch of bowie about her

  2. Also never bought anything after Let's Dance. And am still not tempted. Sorry.

  3. I'm with you chaps - got Heathen out a Charity Shop but haven't managed to get to the end of it yet despited a couple of go's.
    In the interest of taking the rough with the smooth I'll get round to posting a track one of these days.

  4. This is the sound that Tony Visconti said we should expect - and I am VERY HAPPY for it!! This video is some Bowie Brilliance as well! I think Tilda Swinton is the ultimate "Angie Bowie as she should have been" foil!

  5. This is David Bowie back as I expected and I agree with Echorich. It is good to have our yesterdays heroes back in music. There is also a good video out on his homepage:
    sorry - I can't give you the complete link, because of German GEMA restrictions SA

  6. Funnily enough a while ago I started writing a post about him being retired and how happy I was for him that he'd called it quits as he had nothing less to prove, the old records were great, and more rockers his age should just retire gracefully etc. etc.

    Then the bastard made another record.

  7. Absolute Beginners, separated from the film, is a brilliant song and I agree with DavyH on Everyone Says Hi.

    My favourite of all the old Bowie references in the new video is the pure Bing Crosby cardigan.

  8. Agree about Absolute Beginners. Think I may own it too. Thus making my post factually incorrect.

  9. i haven't the faintest what you're on about. never got bowie. whatsit pejic's going to confuse some boys though which is always grand to see
