Thursday 7 February 2013

I Thought You Were Usually Dennis Law, Sir?

'I'm Bobby Charlton, it's too cold to play as a striker today'.

I've more or less given up with unsolicited music submissions from bands emailing me looking for some (admittedly limited) publicity. I can't keep up with music I choose to listen to never mind anything else. But this popped into my Inbox the other day and caught my eye.

'Hi Swiss Adam,
I'm Mark Wynn, a spoken, word, noise, man/boy from York. My latest album, "Eggs,  Kes
and that bike I never bought you even though that I would like to' is set to be released
on Desert Mine Music in mid February. In a recent review by I was described
as being "Like a young John Cooper Clarke but less angry and more Half Man Half Biscuit."

On his Bandcamp page Mark says this about the album...

This is a collection of song noise things I made in December 2012 January 2013. Some of them are true things and some of them I just overheard and wrote down in public places so I'm not sure if they're true... not sure that it really matters... 

Mark's songs are endearingly ramshackle: acoustic guitars, clapping, occasional snatches of feedback, never less than interesting lyrics, some rapid fire delivery, some very Northern English references, and some sharp observations about modern life that'll make your ears prick up. And getting Kes on dvd in HMV in exchange for a cd he got for Christmas he didn't want, a dvd he'll probably watch only once. You can get the album as a download (pay what you want, free if you like) here. You may as well eh? I like it, you should too.


  1. God, these days my email is overflowing with promos from bands and PR firms trying to get me to plug their record.

    If only they knew how few visitors I had.

  2. Half man half decent in fact.

    I get loads too. I think they overestimate my importance.

  3. "I've more or less given up with unsolicited music submissions from bands emailing me looking for some (admittedly limited) publicity. I can't keep up with music I choose to listen to never mind anything else."

    Me too! And my traffic has halved in the past year. Halved! No idea why!

    As for the track, I liked it too.
