Friday 5 April 2013

Ramble On

It's funny- as technology improves at an ever-increasing and bewildering rate, people deliberately make digital versions of clunky old analogue. You can get Old Typewriter Font (Messy) with irregular splats and inkblots onto your PC to give the impression of using a typewriter. Just the same as putting vinyl crackle from a pre-set onto your music track I suppose.

I was going to write a long rambling post about my disgust with the Daily Mail and its repugnant attempt to make political capital out of the shocking deaths of six children at the hands of a psychopath and also about the idiocy of the benefit cuts and the knee jerk efforts by all involved to play some kind of poverty reality game (300,000 signatures on an e-petition to get Ian Duncan Smith to prove he can/can't live on £53 a week, which he either refuses to do thus proving one thing or he could do with change to spare thus proving another, and how this completely misses the point- as several folk have pointed out, living on £53 a week isn't about just one week, it's about living on that every week, week after week, and having no kind of safety net for when the washing machine breaks down or the boiler stops working or the kids need new school shoes)... and how sometimes it feels like we live in a country where life just gets a little bit worse every day (and I don't want to feel like that, I don't want to be a grumpy old man) and we're governed by people who come from a political ruling class who see politics only as a career choice, as something to do between working at a top (fill in the blank) company and leaving to take up a directorship at a top (fill in the blank) company. And it applies to all the parties I'm afraid, not just the despicable, wobbly jawed Tories.

I was also musing while drifting off to sleep the other night on the nature of this blog I write everyday and how it's changed a bit over the last year. At the start it was about 'music...and what it means to me' but more recently it's become more instant, more now- with video and Soundcloud and new release updates and all of that, and how it's now also becoming a place where I put stuff so I can find it easily (as well as share it with you) and that the nature of the writing has become less personal- but you know, not every song has a story behind it. Sometimes it's just a song I like. I've also become a prisoner of the self-imposed need to have at least a post a day- yup, like everything else, even my blog has measurable targets. We're about to go away for a week, a caravan in north Yorkshire, somewhere between Bridlington and Scarborough. I'm looking forward to the break, and while I really, really enjoy doing the blog and getting the comments and feedback from all of you, to be honest I'll be glad to have a week's break from it as well. About three weeks ago I was driving home from work and I honestly thought I had reached the end of the road- I couldn't see where the next blogpost was coming from, that I had nothing else to put up here. And since then I've written roughly thirty posts. So on it goes.

There's some rockabilly coming later and a special bumper post for tomorrow and then there'll be nothing here until next Friday or Saturday. Have fun while I'm away.

Song anyone?
Justin Robertson remixes Public Service Broadcasting's recent single Signal 30. I was a bit disappointed with Signal 30 when I first heard it although I imagine it works well live. Here Justin introduces PSB to acid house.


  1. 11/10 post! completely echoed my thoughts re: £53 a week and daily mail,i also try and stop myself going on about it all in fear of becoming a grump and constant moaner! enjoy your break i'm sure i speak for everyone who reads the blog when i say you deserve it man.

  2. have a good break. always enjoy your grumps and can share the feeling of the grind of the daily post

  3. For what it's worth, I think you've been going through a particularly golden period of late! Honest. And I very much admire your post-a-day work rate, which I would be utterly incapable of. Have a swell week away x

  4. This is a wonderful post, i'm terribly inquisitive about reading this.. Its terribly useful yo North American nation..keep posting such a noteworthy entry doors

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cheers chaps.
    I like the idea of having a golden period. One day I'll look back with a rueful smile.

  7. One day* you will, we all will...

    "Do you remember music blogs and that? They were grand!"

    *about three years from now

  8. Well done SA

    Maria C's words should keep you going a bit longer too.

    Enjoy Flamborough Head - or wherever it is. Bucket n spade n rock pools and .. time together.

    See you when you return.
    And bring some rock back.

  9. For what it's worth I look forward to reading the blog on a daily basis, like the images, like the insights and points of view, like some of the music, don't like some of the music, sometimes the music blows me away...


  10. Walter April 2013 at 11:00

    Very good post SA - like the most posts you did over the last years. Have a good break, enjoy the time and be back soon.

  11. Exactly, SA. A very fine blog which I look at every day and every day I enjoy it mightily. Keep on the good work, mate!

    PS: where can I get this typewriter font? Great stuff!
