Wednesday 17 September 2014

Dickie Davies Eyes

I read welcome news at the weekend- Half Man Half Biscuit have a new album out in October. Rejoice.

In 1986 they released the single Dickie Davies Eyes, an absolute HMHB masterclass. Led by organ and building slowly  from the opening line you know you're in for a good ride- 'mention the Lord of the Rings just once more and I'll more than likely kill you'. Nigel Blackwell goes on to marry together Roger Dean posters, snot disposal, Brian Moore's head and London Planetarium, a wok, Cadbury's Flake and oral sex, Michael Moorcock ('Moorcock, Moorcock, Michael Moorcock you fervently moan') and 'a Romany bint in a field with her paints suggesting we faint at her beauty'.

But she's got Dickie Davies Eyes.

Dickie Davies Eyes


  1. Sheer class and the first record I ever bought by them when it came out. Still it is very hard for me as a non-Englishman to understand most of their stuff, because very many of the people he refers to are simply unknown here in Germany. These days the internet helps, of course, but in the Eighties I was really desperate at times ...

  2. As a lyricist he is absolutely tremendous. But I fell that his music lets him down. Huge huge pity.

  3. A new HMHB album should become an annual event. See to it Nigel Blackwell.

  4. I grew up in the North West and I'm a few years younger than Nigel I get a lot of the references, apart from the football ones. Yes I don't have a passion for football (pause to hear the gasps) Lyrically they are funny and clever not that common a pairing, musically they are what they are and it makes them what they are, an important and under appreciated band. I saw them the last time they came to Glasgow and had a great night

  5. I'm with George on this one, Nigel Blackman cannae sing but is unsurpassed as a lyricist.
    A true genius

  6. One of the finest lyricists these isles have produced. Great stuff.
