Friday 3 October 2014

Dulce Et Decorum Est

I am off on a school trip to the battlefields of the First World War today, taking in various trenches, cemeteries, memorials and museums around the Somme and Ieper (Ypres, Wipers). I've visited parts of the Western Front before, including Tyne Cot, the largest British and Commonwealth War Graves cemetery in the world. It is unforgettable and a trip well worth taking.

I don't get back until late Monday night so don't expect any Bagging Area blog action until Tuesday at the earliest. I can't think of any more songs with Latin titles- four is as far as I can get. This song is played by Wild Billy Childish, from a radio session a few years back. Keep Your Lamps Trimmed And Burning is a blues song from the 1920s, usually associated with the Rev Gary Davies and Blind Willie Johnson.

Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning


  1. I just had a complete brainfreeze on the title of that tune. Beck's Peaches & Cream has the lyric 'keep your lamplight trimmed and burning' in it. Thankfully google put me right.

  2. I think four is extremely impressive! I mentioned your challenge to my OH and he did suggest something that I'd never have thought of... how about the surprisingly Beatlesque 'Alma Mater' on Alice Cooper's 'School's Out' album?! It's rather good.

    Hope your trip went well.
