Friday 24 October 2014

The Return Of Friday Night Is Rockabilly Night 158

Here's a bucket full of rockabilly, a hour and a quarter of songs opening with the incomparable Wayne Walker and working it's way through thirty-six more to get to Al Rex and his Hydrogen Bomb, while Hot Rod Rumble plays behind it. Everyone's a winner.

It's been a long week, pass the wine.


  1. it's been a hellish week and next week isn't looking any better. I'll have a pint of Claret.

    In other news the pledged Dexys live quadruple vinyl album has arrived. Fucking amazing 20 plus minute version of This Is What She's Like marred by the hellish surface noise of the pressing, story of my life at the moment!

    I think Mr H was at the show.

  2. Two pints of claret over here please barkeep. Maybe mr H will pop in for a pint of pinot grigio too and talk us through the Dexys album

  3. He doesn't associate with the likes of us much these days.

    Another pint of wine?

  4. Where's Gloria gone? 2 more pints of wine please chuck, when you're ready.

  5. Just found a half full bottle of Absolute vanilla vody in the freezer. ya dancer!

    shot glasses Glo
