Thursday 15 January 2015

Me And The Wine And The City Lights

They don't make 'em like Lee Hazlewood anymore do they? That kind of man's man, with his moustache, baritone voice and Western trappings, but with an outsider's edge. A lot of country with a bit of easy listening and some psychedelia, a bit underground but with a pop touch. Sincere but done with a wink. This is a smashing little tune (and a way of life).

Me And The Wine And The City Lights


  1. No, they don't make them like Lee Hazlewood any more and I wish they did... I can't get enough of his voice! Fab.

  2. Coffee in hand, this is my first tune of the morning. And what a great way to start the day.

  3. Oh, I always forget about him. I've got some of his stuff tucked away in a dark corner of the house, time to dig it out.

  4. I nearly posted Greyhound Bus Depot- the loneliest place in the world, 4am in the Greyhound bus depot'.

  5. Unique. I recently had an insane cull of vinyl in which Lee went the way of all flesh album wise (well, to the charity shop). Massive regret but all my albums were causing various 'problems'. Will buy back if the chance ever arises. Brilliant songwriter and great voice. It was nice to hear him being played over the PA during the intermission at the First Aid Kit gig I went to the other day.
