Monday 12 January 2015

Up And Down

There are some teasers and rumours on the internet that The High are about to reform for a tour. The High were a late 80s Manchester band, including ex-Stone Rose Andy Couzens on guitar, who had a couple of minor indie hits and NME Singles of the Week (Box Set Go, Up And Down, classics of their time both), a decent album (Somewhere Soon), and a belting post album single (More...), which got them busted for chart rigging. I saw them live twice, both times they were good. Singer John Matthews became ill they made an ill-advised grunge influenced second album that no-one bought. The end. Until now- apparently there's going to be an announcement today. Like Drew, I often think that re-unions and comebacks are a bad idea. But then I often end up overcoming my cynicism, go along and have a good time.

Up And Down


  1. I loved that album, especially Up and Down and Take Your Time but by far their best was More, pretty sad that it is remembered now for the wrong reasons.

  2. Yeah, Take Your Time is ace. At the moment its Couzens and Matthews only playing the Gigantic Indie Aĺl Dayer at Mcr Academy along with the Bunnymen, Inspiral Carpets, PWEI, gang of four, the Primitives and Hurricane No 1. And the Woodentops. Hopefully they'll do some proper gigs as well. Not sure the GIAD is a good idea.
    Swiss Adam

  3. It's a sign of the times. At a party over Christmas I overheard a few people excitedly discussing an 80s weekend they were going to later in the year. Needless to say their idea of great 80s music was a thousand miles away from mine, granted one of those involved was a banker.
