Wednesday 29 April 2015

Complotto Geometrico

I finally bagged a vinyl copy of this Andrew Weatherall remix recently, two years after it first came out digitally. Seven minutes thirty six seconds of chuggy, cosmic, Italo brilliance.

Complotto Geometrico (Andrew Weatherall Remix)


  1. That is very very good and a welcome distraction from the Woman's Hour debate

  2. Sounds like a 45rpm record played at 33rpm - and I mean that in a good way.

  3. top of the toast rack in Fallowfield? Never seen it from this angle before. i believe you used to be able to get up there until they got sick of maudlin students chucking themselves off in suicide attempts.

  4. Yes, top of the toast rack. Found the pic online, never been up there but would like to. Have loved the building since I first saw it, back in the late 70s
