Thursday 10 September 2015

What Does God Say?

I was driving home last night reflecting on what has been a hectic and pretty intense start to the new school year- in my new role I am now responsible for the induction and mentoring of fifteen newly qualified teachers, six trainee teachers, and ten other new starters. Lots to be getting on with. And a move to a new office. My mp3 player, plugged into the cassette dock in my car stereo, started flashing that the battery was 'dangerously low'. As I noticed the warning Orbital's Are We Here? began to play. Fifteen minutes long, but never less than absorbing with its techno drums, building synths, 'what does God say?' sample,Specials' Man At C&A breakdown and Alison Goldfrapp's vocals. It played on and on and as the track finished and the next one began to cue up, with seconds to spare, the battery died. I don't what the next song was going to be.

Are We Here?


  1. marvellous track. your new role sounds more than a touch challenging.

  2. Yup. And that's only half of it. Keps life interesting I suppose.
    Swiss Adam
