Sunday 25 October 2015

Omens Of Awareness

We are going on holiday today, six days away for half term. Some friends won a holiday which they then realised they couldn't go on, and very kindly gave it to us. We have four nights near Paris followed by two on the Dutch coast, not far from Amsterdam (although given we'll have the kids with us the coffee shops and Sex Museum will not be on the itinerary that most people have suggested to us). Lucky us though- we'd never usually go abroad at this time of the year. It is also Mrs Swiss' birthday today, so she'll start her birthday in Manchester and finish it near Paris, via Dover, Calais and a cross channel ferry. See you all next Sunday.

Current Bagging Area favourite Timothy J Fairplay has just put out another track under his Junior Fairplay alter ego. It has old school rhythm and synths.

Like the Fairplay track I posted last Monday Omens Of Awareness comes with a story...

'About 10ft tall with hairy green skin, yellow triangular eyes and red veins across the forehead. In place of a mouth there was what appeared to be a metallic chain or fence'. Security guard Fortunato Zanfretta was later questioned by medical experts during deep hypnosis. The 26 year old Italians astonishing ordeal began in the village of Torriglia near Genoa. He was patrolling after midnight when his car stopped mysteriously . He saw four lights and jumped from the car, gun in hand. 'Then I was hit from behind and whirled round and shone my flashlight and saw an enormous green creature'. he said later. 'That was the last thing he remembered until nearly two hours later when he was awakened by a blinding light and tremendous roar of a UFO blasting off. Leading medical hypnotist and physician Dr Mauro Moretti said afterwards 'I believe 90% of what he said was the truth. You cannot invent things under hypnosis'. It was only three days after the hypnosis session that Fortunato had his second meeting with the the unearthly visitors. He was driving to the same village when a strange force seized his car and took him to the place he had met the spaceman before. In his second hypnosis session he said he was again taken aboard a UFO and examined by 10 great creatures with triangular eyes. Fortunato said that although they spoke no Italian or any other human language, they communicated with him by 'light signals and sounds' transmitted through a helmet placed over his head. The helmet was so tight it gave him a headache.'


  1. Enjoy the holiday Adam. We went to Paris 3 years ago or so, and it was eye-wateringly expensive, ca. 8 euors for a beer (and that was not in a particularly expensive location).

  2. Enjoy your holiday, another excellent track from Mr Fairplay.

  3. I have a trip to heaven I might not be using around the first of the year. Lucky! Enjoy your time away, Adam. Sounds lovely.

  4. Enjoy your few days of on the Continent. Seems like you have really good friends, Adam.

  5. Enjoy, enjoy, and make sure to have a huge portion of Mosselen whilst being in Holland!
