Saturday 23 January 2016

And The Drums, The Drums, The Drums...

Back in 2008 two piece, girl-boy duos were all the rage and while also putting bass guitarists out of work. The Ting Tings briefly flared into the public consciousness with a chart topping single called That's Not My Name. The other side of the single was this song which I always thought was a belting piece of pop music, from the clanging opening D chord to the frenetic rhythm and the chorus chant of 'imagine all the girls (ah ah ah ah ah ah aaah) and the boys (ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah) and the strings (eee eee eee eee ee ee ee ee) and the drums, the drums, the drums...'

Great DJ


  1. It is a good tune. I really like the a side too. I bought two,copies of the original single for some reason and sold one a couple of years ago for a hefty profit.

  2. Great choice - this is the first song I ever heard by them, it sounded then like nothing else I'd known. Funnily enough the other week I started thinking about them and wondering what had happened to them - as you say, they flared briefly into the public consciousness - but then they seemed to disappear. Anyway I found 'The Wrong Club' from 2014 and love it (if you haven't heard it I recommend.)

  3. I ead that they put out an album in 2014 but never got around to hearing it. Will have a look.
    Swiss Adam

  4. One of those songs that reminds me mostly of being online, reading blogs and finding new music that way, old rare vinyl rips, new singles - quite often circulated by the companies themselves despite all the shutdowns of downloads. Where do people go to find new these days? Is there as much new as there was then? Hard to believe we are almost a decade down the line from then.

  5. The last track off the last album, Failure, appears to be about how they fucked up being pop stars and is an incredible little pop song, both perky and haunting.
