Sunday 10 January 2016

Cool Breeze

I've finally got a new computer to replace the gas powered desktop I've been running with for the past seven years. Bought last weekend, picked up Thursday night, set up Friday night and tinkered with for much of Saturday. The speed at which it does basic tasks compared to the old one is astonishing. No more staring at the screen waiting for pages to load, no more crashes while composing posts and copying text and codes, no more banging my head against the desk and considering writing things out on paper and hand delivering them to you all... it's something else. On the other hand copying over thousands of songs and pictures is bewildering. Sorting the music into an order that I recognise could take some time. Getting into accounts may also prove interesting. For a while yesterday I was locked out of this blog and couldn't access my emails (cue long phonecall to my internet provider which resolved the email issue). I'm sure there are passwords for websites I won't remember either. But it's fast at doing stuff. This is Big Youth from 1979 with some smart roots reggae for your Sunday morning.

Cool Breeze


  1. Seems all people have the same problems with a new computer. But be sure, after a few days you won't remember to them any more.

  2. I love this song, Adam. Didn't Clint Eastwood and General Saint do a cover?

  3. No deluge of porn videos accompanied this download

  4. remembering passwords is getting more of a problem these days.

  5. Most of my music is still on my old (barely functioning) laptop. Is there a quick (and safe) way of moving it all over en masse? I'm using a memory stick, but with a terabyte of tunes to shift it's going to be a long job.
    No matter what technical issues afflict us, Big Youth makes everything feel ok.

  6. I used an external hard drive ie just a big memory stick.
    Swiss Adam

  7. I got my first new computer since 2007 last year. The old one's power input burst into flames one evening as I was writing a blog funnily enough.

    Yes, it is a joy, especially not waiting for pages to load. Amazing how much you just put up with.

  8. You sound disappointed George. About the deluge of porn
    Swiss Adam
