Thursday 28 January 2016

Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party

I kept seeing Courtney Barnett's name in the end of 2015 lists and have eventually got around to listening to her album Sometimes I Sit And Think And Sometimes I Just Sit. The music is satisfyingly catchy, ramshackle three chord indie with thumping drums propelling the songs along. There's something early 90s about it, but with a bit less slacking. Her biggest strength is her writing- Courtney's lyrics are a total joy, she has real fun with words, throwing out lines that are clever and witty, grounded in everyday life, occasionally slipping some genuinely profound moments. Unfortunately part of me can't help feeling that I'm maybe twenty years too old for this record.


  1. I have the same feeling about this, I like what I hear but not enough. I do really like Depreston. For some unfathomable reason the album cover annoys me!

  2. "Unfortunately part of me can't help feeling that I'm maybe twenty years too old for this record." never mind Adam, wait til you get to late middle-age (your 50s) you'll realise you're REALLY getting on in age!

  3. I think she's great in small doses - one song every few days perhaps but not a whole album in one go somehow. Lyrically lovable though as you say!
    George - oh no, I had one of those sudden heart-stopping moments of panic when I just read your description of being in your 50s as 'late middle age'... No, it can't be, it just can't!

  4. I've to agree to C. I an closer to 60 than to 50 and I don't feel old on age. Stay young at heart and open-minded and you don't really feel your age.

  5. I liked A Sea of Split Peas a bit more than Sometimes I Sit, but I think she is quite a talent. Completely with you on the early '90s reference and the old guy reference too, for that matter.

  6. Do I need to care about all of the above with 47? No!!

  7. That's not even accurate. I'm 45.
    Swiss Adam
