Saturday 27 February 2016

I Bought About A Hundred Candles

Most Iggy Pop albums, even the terrible ones, have something going for them. Avenue B, released in 1999, was a departure from the rock sound he'd cracked on with in the 90s. It had short spoken word pieces, reflective songs with bongos and acoustic guitar, a song in Spanish. It's unfairly overlooked- it sold poorly and wasn't well received by critics or many fans. Written in the aftermath of the break-up with his long-term girlfriend it was a man looking back, reflective, ageing, doubtful, wondering if he was still attractive to women. The song Nazi Girlfriend suggested he was still having some success in that department. The title track is a lovely, jazzy little tune with Iggy actually singing, almost crooning. 'I am gonna need a miracle' he sings, 'on Avenue B'.

Avenue B


  1. I've recently been digging out a few old Iggy albums in the wake of the fantastic new tunes from the upcoming 'Post Pop Depression'. I haven't got as far as 'Avenue B' yet, but this title tune totally hits the spot. I love his voice used in this style.

  2. I suppose you have read it already but if not.....there was an interview with Weatherall in yesterday's Guardian

  3. Seen it George but thanks anyway.

  4. Teacher reads Guardian, whatever next!
