Saturday 13 February 2016

One Million

At some point while away in London this blog passed one million page views. One million! I've no idea how this compares to other blogs, how many page views other bloggers have had/get but it seems like a bit of a milestone.

Tom Furse of The Horrors has remixed the new Cavern Of Anti-Matter album into one seventeen minute megamix, a psych/cosmiche feast.


  1. One million? Blimey, congratulations Adam, well deserved. My own humble abode is some way off that impressively hefty amount. In fact, after crunching a few numbers, I've calculated that if I continue at the current rate of readership, it'll take me another 74 years to accumulate 1000000 views! Something tells me that I ain't gonna make it. Still, I can dream!
    Really looking forward to checking out the COAM mix. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Here's to the next million.

  2. Congratulations Adam - five times more than I have mustered to date

  3. Well done SA, just checked mine and apparently I have clocked up 772000 and I have a year on you.

  4. Big congrats SA - I can't even get my head around the thought of a MILLION page views, let alone expect to achieve it.

    Hope the trip to London was good and culturally rewarding!

  5. Its mindboggling isn't it?

    Further investigation reveals that the post with Lily Allen flashing her bum has been viewed 38, 000 times.

    London was great thanks C, severally culturally rewarding things- I may write about them.

  6. Congrats SA! Keep on keepin' on!

  7. your constant excellence is a punter draw. keep it comin man. don't forget 90s hiphop either.

  8. Big congratulations Adam. Keep on giving me new inspirations.

  9. Well done on your millionth page view. On to the 2 millionth!

  10. Congrats, Adam! I just got a fifth of that figure, now running for nine years! Then again - contrary to you - I by and large only post some boring old stuff every second month, which all in all makes those views not look all too bad, right?

  11. Well done sir. Don't know how you do it every day, feel like I'm running on empty most of the time.

    Never understood site stats. Like what's the difference between hits, views, sessions, and visits?

  12. No idea Lee. As for posting daily, its an affliction.
