Tuesday 1 March 2016

Get Real

March! Springtime! Lambs frolicking in the fields, driving home from work in the daylight, the promise of some sunshine. And to celebrate here's former Frankie Goes To Hollywood man Paul Rutherford's 1988 acid house track Get Real. Banned by the Beeb. Co-written by ABC's Martin Fry. Are you happy?

Get Real


  1. One of the tunes that caused the split in the gang back in '88. We were firm indie heads at the time. Anything close to dance was frowned upon. Rap was given a pass cos of the NME constantly writing up PE etc. then a few of us started going to William Tell in Dublin. Our heads were turned. To say the least

  2. That's great Anto.The sort of comment that tells its own story.

  3. Have to echo things here - Get Real and all of PR's album was great!

  4. It's a belter. All the remixes are cracking too
