Wednesday 30 March 2016

The Mighty Ming

As this is turning into a Sabres remix themed week some of you may cheer and some may quietly close the page and go browsing elsewhere but my compilation cd also threw up this track, a remix of Brothers Love Dubs, who were Alan Bremner, Dave Seaman and Steve Anderson. I can't tell you anything else about them except the Dave Seaman isn't the former ponytailed England and Arsenal goalkeeper but a relatively well known dj and editor of Mixmag. This remix is excellent.

The Mighty  Ming (Sabres Of Paradise Remix)

And this one is too.

The Mighty Ming (Sabres Of Paradise Slow Mix)

Would kids today sit and watch the 1930s version of Flash Gordon on their Saturday mornings? We did, constantly. Ming the Merciless was played by Charles Middleton, accompanied in the picture by Princess Aura (Shirley Deane).


  1. class, class, class

  2. Haven't listened to the mixes yet but the picture sends me spiraling back to my childhood!!

  3. I was thinking about Flash Gordon and Buck Rodgers the other day, as over the Easter holidays I noticed a distinct lack of TVs watching especially with the wee one who preferred to watch and listen to that irritating fud, Stampy Longnose o YouTube on the iPad.

    Tune, by the way.

  4. The women at the Virgin Megastore back in the day called me Flash Gordon (dropping your trousers at every opportunity when you're drunk is not a good thing) and my drinking mate Minging The Merciless.

    We surprisingly were quite often lucky despite that. There was lots of drinking going on.

  5. I loved Buck Rogers so much, well to be honest it was Erin Gray who played Wilma Deering.

  6. Simon- not sure about the flashing but good work.
    Jake- just googled Erin Gray to remind myself.

  7. Jake I was talking about the original Buck Rogers, but Erin Gray, yes.

  8. Yeah I loved the old Flash Gordon, but don't really remember the old Buck Rogers. Unless it also starred Buster Crabbe and looked very similar... I just looked it up and it was, so must have mashed those two together.

  9. This was Brothers In Rhythm attempting to push their boundaries a bit. You may know them from their remixes of Sabrina Johnston, Pet Shop Boys, Heaven 17... They also made a track - Such A Good Feeling - which you couldn't get away from in clubs in 1990 - very upbeat and piano driven House.
    Weatherall's mix may be a bit kitchy, but I like the mood and sort of Futurism sound.

  10. Yes, that makes sense Echorich. Never made the connection before. Such A Good Feeling was inescapable wasn't it?
