Thursday 10 March 2016

Two Sevens Clash

Meanwhile, in Jamaica in 1977...

Two Sevens Clash

Culture formed in 1976 and recorded several singles with Joe Gibbs which had a huge impact, none more so than Two Sevens Clash. Released in 1977 it was picked up by John Peel and played at The Roxy by Don Letts ensuring its popularity with the London punk crowd. Two Sevens Clash predicted the apocalypse on July 7th 1977. Righteous roots reggae- the whole album is well worth your time.

I try really hard not to pour scorn celebrities wearing band t-shirts. I understand the knee jerk reaction when a celeb is pictured in a band t-shirt. 'I bet they couldn't name two songs by xxxx' we think, 'I bet they don't even know the name of the drummer' we mutter.It's a bit unfair- they might genuinely be a fan, they might love the artist's work as much as we do. And who's to say someone might not look at us in a band t-shirt and think the same?


Yes, that's Paris Hilton.


  1. 'Two Sevens Clash' sits easily amongst the top 5 reggae albums of all time. The photo made me die a little inside.

  2. Yes, a wonderful record indeed. The shirt is great, I'd very much like to have it for myself ...!

    Paris looks cute (in it) as well, also I'm totally convinced that she's a big fan and owes all 28 albums Culture ever made ... no question whatsoever about that!!

  3. I completely agree with both things Swede said. As for Dirk, I think he's been on that wacky baccy again... NURSE!

  4. Band T shirts, don't get me started.

  5. I did receive a rather fetching Taylor Swift one for Christmas. A middle aged man in a T Swift tee, quite ridiculous looking.

  6. Do you ever get the feeling that you've died and then woken up in some peculiar parallel universe?

  7. Drew I think a Taylor Swift t-shirt would suit you very well.

  8. it was this one

    and SA no I do look ridiculous

  9. Nice Sonic Youth Raymond Pettibon reference.

  10. Drew, if you put up a photo in your TaylorSwift-ie we will all be able to see how ridiculous, or not, you look.
