Thursday 14 April 2016

Free Flashback

In 1990 the original line up of Big Audio Dynamite released their last song, Free, for the soundtrack of a film called Flashback. Dennis Hopper and Kiefer Sutherland starred in Flashback- a radical hippie on the run for twenty years (Hopper) and an FBI agent sent to bring him to trial (Sutherland). I've seen it, many years ago, 1990 probably- I seem to recall enjoying it at the time. The song didn't appear on any B.A.D. albums except the Planet Bad compilation although it turned up in a re-written and re-titled form on BAD II's Kool Aid. It's a very late 80s becoming 90s house influenced, Stussy-clad number. Good, catchy fun if not the best way to remember the line up of the band that had achieved so much over the previous years.

Free (Film Version)

Free (Club Mix)

The video has Mick and the B.A.D. boys lip syncing and dancing/shuffling over footage and clips from the film. Gives you a flavour of both in one handy package.


  1. It's easy to forget that this was recorded by the original line-up. Lightweight, but fun.

  2. First time I've heard this version. I love Kool Aid version, a few months younger and a lot more squelchy, bleepy and arpy. Music changed quickly then.


  3. I went shopping immediately after listening to this post and spent the next half an hour walking around Tesco's unable to get 'Free' out of my head. Would therefore like to upgrade my previous comment to...Lightweight, fun and catchy as hell.

  4. Thought for a minute you meant that unbelievably awful Mick Jagger film from the early 90's,"Freejack."I feel dirty just thinking about it. Sorry, off subject!

  5. I don't think I've ever seen that video.

    Not one of their best, but I too couldn't get it out of my head for an hour or so after playing it

  6. The Swede- I kind of makes the transition from BAD to BAD II make more sense.
    Tedloaf- You're right.
    Michael- don't worry, we will never speak of the Mick Jagger film again.
    Dubrobots- not their best but catchy as flu

  7. Spent yesterday morning listening to the first two BAD albums on repeat, wondering how it's possible that I went a little insane for their stuff THIRTY years ago...
