Tuesday 14 June 2016

13 Moons

Drew tipped me off about a new six track record from Sordid Sound System called Lux Exterior, a mix of dub, techno and kraut influences with chunky drum machine rhythms and wonky basslines making a delicious, chuggy, trippy stew. I've been playing it a lot over the last few days. There are only 300 copies on vinyl but if you act quick they've still got some at Piccadilly Records and maybe elsewhere. They put out a four track ep last year, In A Year Of 13 Moons, which you can download from Bandcamp.

Coincidentally our youngest turns thirteen today, stepping into the teenage years. Happy birthday Eliza. She'd probably prefer this- and to make the circle complete, Drew is also a big fan.


  1. I am and also of Sordid Sound System

  2. I am too. I do love Ryan Adams version of "Out Of The Woods" as well - very "Meat Is Murder"y Smiths vibe going on.

  3. you can't not enjoy Shake It Off a great pop record. I've heard a few people mention Sordid Sound System (in a good way) i shall check them out

  4. I am in too SSS as well and happy birthday to your youngest one.

  5. That was very remiss of me SA, as Walter says, I hope Eliza had a most excellent birthday
