Saturday 25 June 2016

I Hate Hate

Well that- the referendum, as if you didn't guess- was a total disaster. It's a strange day indeed when I can't get any satisfaction from David Cameron resigning. We're screwed. Completely.

The Sound Of Shoom released this single in 1991, later compiled on Creation's Keeping The Faith compilation (a very important record round these parts). The Sound Of Shoom was a production name for dj Danny Rampling, the man who started Shoom, a somewhat influential acid house night heldin a leisure centre in Southwark. The lyrics to I Hate Hate sound a bit trite and hippy-dippy now but fitted perfectly into the times and the song is in fact a cover, a soulful housed up version, of a 1974 Northern tune by Razzy And The Neighbourhood Kids.

And, to everyone out there who's peddled hate over the last few months, enough with the hate yeah?
Fat chance.

I Hate Hate (Southwark Street Mix)


  1. It's frightening to consider, in the cold light of day, that Cameron is actually a moderate. What comes next doesn't bear thinking about.

  2. I've read and watched too much news today already. We're going t a bbq later and I'm a bit concerned I may end up falling out with some people.

  3. I've already fell out with my brother over it.

  4. My plan is just to stay drunk for the next forty years. That was pretty much the plan anyway but the referendum result has bolstered my resolve. I know one leaver whose motives I respect, but the idea that something better will arise from the ashes strikes me as even more naive than my usual utopian pipe dreams. The Europe issue seemed like the only thing could shatter the Tories' grip on power and now it's finally settled, for my lifetime anyway. God, profoundly depressing times.

  5. Artog- your plan might work.

  6. I'll probably get some stick for this, but the Referendum as well as the "Populist Revolution" of Trump just remind me why representative Republics work and populist governments fail. Hyperbole regarding elitists and elitism leads those uninterested in educating themselves about issues into making snap emotional choices that end in regret.

  7. perhaps you can attend an anti-democracy march?

  8. Anti- democracy?!
