Tuesday 7 June 2016

Our Time

It's a bit of a hipster thing to say but sometimes a band's early work really is their best work. On their 2001 five track debut e.p. Yeah Yeah Yeahs nailed something so absolutely with the song Our Time that nothing they've done since has been as good. They've definitely had their moments but nothing hits the spot like Our Time- the sound of the guitar, the snarl of the words, the rawness of the production. Bigger budgets and better studios, hanging out with richer people, more press, all that stuff doesn't necessarily add anything. Sometimes a band just gets it right when they're on the way up and nothing else matches up. Better to have done it once than never though.

Our Time


  1. Totally agree, Our Time is a bit special. Maps comes close but it's just not quite as good

  2. I loved that first EP too, but I do think they peaked later. They'll be featuring over at my place over the summer for that reason...

  3. Liked quite a bit after this, but I still agree with you.

  4. Maps is definitely better. Swc.
