Saturday 4 June 2016


When you look at the group of people who have coalesced around the Vote Leave campaign- a melange of bigots, regressive Little Englanders, folk who think that they can turn back the clock to 'how things used to be', myopic people who think that because we have traffic jams and queues this is because as an island we are full up, and then the general xenophobes and racists (and there are plenty out there who say 'I'm not racist but...'. Actually, you're probably are racist.), it becomes increasingly clear what to do on June 23rd. Factor in the joys of political fuckwits like Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, George Galloway and Nigel Farage and it would seem that voting Remain is the only sensible and possible option. I keep hearing vox pops on the TV news where the man and woman in the street say 'stop all the name calling and mud slinging and just give us the facts' but as far as I can see there aren't any facts, there are only opinions. No one knows what the impact of leaving the EU will be. It's all conjecture. So I have to go with my gut, which is that if there's a union of democratic nations that want to work together to ensure better rights for citizens and may have contributed to a largely peaceful Europe since 1945 (a continent not known for peace before 1945) and which ensures that we can all move about more freely and become more aware of each other's differences (and our similarities) and then soak up each other's cultures... then I'm in favour. I have no problem with immigration. I think it's a good thing.

And it's given us this absolutely gorgeous love song song from Gruff Rhys.


  1. Very well said Swiss Adam. It's a great little tune too.

  2. Gove is a slimey little toad and Eddie Mair got it right when he called Johnson " a nasty piece f work" I still don't understand how he became mayor of London not once but twice and if that can happen I fear for what may happen in this referendum!

  3. Great words indeed, and there is only one sensible option. Cracks me up when people say "We did fine on our own for years," forgetting we've been part of a European union (under a different name) for more than 40 years, and before that we were part of numerous treaties and conventions. We haven't been "on our own" for several decades, since before World War II, in fact. But then, the facts have never stood in the way of mindless bigotry and disgusting hatred.

    And anyway - I'll always go with what Gruff says.....!

  4. Over the last few days I've become a bit concerned that the idiots are going to win.

  5. Let's hope not SA.Goes against the grain voting for the same thing as Posh Dave but then again look at the alternatives - fuckwits indeed
    It seems to becoming a contest to see who is the most racist and who can come up with the most scary "facts"

  6. As someone from Ireland looking in I really hope you folks get your shit together and vote Remain. Good luck!

  7. I can only echo the words of Michael here and say that opinion is widely shared here in Ireland.

    Also, no comments on Gruff rhyming 'pie and mash' with 'panache'. Quality stuff.

  8. Very well said Adam. It's the sheer fucking brazen lying audacity that fucks me off. Today, sunday, I've read that Johnson Gove and Grayling are claiming to defend the rights of working people, and are decrying bankers and hedge funds! For Fuck's Sake. And I have a huge fear that the UK will vote Leave.

  9. I thought about this this morning and imagined that my job will become really really complicated when you vote 'leave'. Imagine each and every single delivery (paper, in my case) into the UK will have to be VATed, VAT has to returned by us after customs say, 'yes, the goods really entered Britain', companies won't have the money to pay the VAT beforehand, it'll be a bloody nightmare!!!

    As much as you get on me nerves on a daily basis: please stay with us!
