Friday 22 July 2016

Home Again

I got back last night, home again after a week away with sixty nine 15-18 year olds, who due to their teenage nature got into one or two scrapes in The Netherlands, Belgium and France but who all had I think a fantastic time. For many of them seeing the battlefields and cemeteries of the Ypres Salient and The Somme was a pretty profound and interesting experience. The weather was amazing. I believe you've had some sun in Blighty too. The temperature gauge on the pharmacy in Poperinge read 36 degrees on Tuesday. Very very hot.

I was saddened to hear of the death of Suicide's Alan Vega. Suicide were a genuinely groundbreaking punk synth duo who fried the heads of punks in the UK when they supported The Clash. This is as good as anything they did- and as good as anything most other people do too.

Keep Your Dreams


  1. Nicely said Adam. Welcome home.

  2. I think you're a flippin saint for taking so many kids that far. Sounds like my idea of hell.

  3. Ha- there comes a point near the end when the kids are missing home and you don't want to deal with another night of making sure they're all in their rooms and listening to them complaining about the food when you think 'never again'. But it's worth it- they get so much out of it. Some of our kids never go anywhere, first time they've been abroad etc. And the staff get to go to places and see things that we want to see too. Being on a bus with broken air con was a bit of a nightmare.

  4. Yes a great song. I really like the Live CBGB's version. quite different, more minimal, more up close like Vega's in conversation with you, while Rev's electro haiku burns into your brain. 'Cause all you got you know, your dreams. You gotta keep them dreams a burning. yeah keep them dreams burning forever.'
