Thursday 6 October 2016

30, 000 Women

In the aftermath of the Convenanza festival at Carcasonne last weekend in Southern France, put on by Monsieur Bernie Fabre, a musical celebration of Mr Weatherall and his friends, various bits of footage and songs are circulating in dusty corners of the internet. Woodleigh Research Facility played live along with Silver Apples and both sets were recorded, hopefully to make their way onto the net soon. One of the songs Weatherall played in one of his dj sets was this...

Good innit? Dating from 2014 but sounding like a lost 80s underground electronic record (maybe due its Kissing The Pink sample). Love that double bass too.

I didn't go to Convenanza by the way, I'm just living it vicariously through other people's posts.


  1. You would have had to have a bit of money to attend that festival!

  2. More than I've got. And the time off work to get there and back.

  3. Just looked that up on ebay, 65 quid!
