Sunday 16 October 2016

All That Matters

This is a lovely way to start a Sunday, a blissful, luscious new remix of Hannah Peel by Richard Norris (Hannah sings on the Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve album so this a favour returned). All the requisite elements are present and correct- a chunky drumbeat, piano, wobbly bass, sweeping strings and a swoonsome vocal. Richard has located the sweet spot, that point just before ecstasy tips into melancholy.


  1. You're absolutely right - a lovely way to start a Sunday.

  2. As said - an amazing way to start a Sunday.

  3. I've been really enjoying this one. There is something about the arrangement that feels like Flotation (by The Grid) - especially the sound & timing of that deeper piano line.

  4. That is excellent and as the walker says very reminiscent of Flotation

  5. Thanks to this I also just checked out her original version which I really like too, and then whilst listening to that, in the side bar of youtube her cover of Tainted Love popped up, which I knew nothing about and which I thought was really different and great. So, thank you, SA!

  6. And 25 years just melt away...suddenly it's 5am on a Sunday morning and I'm not just chilling out, I'm chilling down. This is a musical marriage made in heaven.

  7. That's what it's all about isn't it.

    Haven't heard Tainted Love, will check it out.

  8. Is the Wizard's Sleeve album worth getting? Have I asked that before? A few people I know have raved (!) about it.

  9. Yes it is Simon, definitely
    Swiss Adam
