Sunday 30 October 2016


Here is some wonderfully relaxed ambience from Steve Cobby, digital balm for the ears and the mood receptors (I was going to say soul but I'm not sure we're dealing with Judeo-Christian concepts such as the soul). A clicking and whirring rhythm track. Washes of sound. The pop of a drum. A voice comes in and then there's a change of pace. All three Cobby and Porky e.p.s are set to be released as a mini-album in December, titled Cities Below Future Seas.

I don't know if Steve is finding it difficult to sleep at the moment or something, but the amount of music he's putting out is almost superhuman. If you want something gritty, northern and real have a look at the spoken word project he's been doing with Russ Litten.

You can buy Porkbag from Bandcamp, three tracks from Hull for only £2. Get it here. Keep him happy and in business.

Cobby & Porky - Porkbag from Steve Cobby on Vimeo.


  1. Is it too late for Steve to change the title of the mini-album from 'Cities Below Future Seas' to 'Digital Balm For the Ears'? You should copyright that one sharpish. Another fine tune from Mr Cobby.

  2. Look, the soul was around way before Christendom, Plato's tripartite thingamajig. Al that. Lazy work Adam. It won't stand. No wonder the kids in England are illiterate dunces with the likes of you teaching them

  3. When I saw the title of this post I honestly wondered for a moment if it might be about Pigbag reforming under a slightly (and quite neatly) tweaked name...

  4. Anthony- that'll teach me to make throw away quips in a blogpost. However if I can take issue with a couple of of your points a) I don't think the kids of England are illiterate dunces b) I teach history not Greek philosophy, so I'm pretty good on the First World War, industrial revolution, causes of the collapse of democracy in Weimar Germany etc but admittedly less sound on Plato and c) if you want to correct me on the soul probably best not to accuse me of laziness but then use the phrase 'thingamajig', which looks a bit lazy itself. Glad you're only joking- I'm responding in kind too. :)

    C- Ctel used Papas Got A Brand New Porkbag for his coincidentally matching post today, so you aren't the only one making that connection.

  5. I had to do a dissertation on the Republic in 5th year and ever since I have considered Plato a c__t.
